Art fabrication and model maker.

Making of bespoke objects crafted by hand or machine.

Steen Holdt is a crafty artisan studio. Producing objects for anyone who wants their art or design brought to life.

Model Making for The Museum of Copenhagen 2020

Model Making for The Museum of Copenhagen 2020

Where to start?

The process is always different for any project. Here is how we can divide a project in stages. Some projects starts without a clear idea and some only really needs the fabrication done. It all depends and we are flexible enough to jump in on any part of the process. Get in touch with Steen and let’s find out.



The starting point can be anything really – a sketch, reference photos, text, digital model, drawings, or a conversation where we work out ideas.



This is where we get a firm direction to go in. Often resulting in a digital model, clay sculpt, or drawings depending on the project. We also want to have a production method in mind at this stage.



We want to test our designs before we commit fully. This can be done by making a prototype, samples, creating a mock up, digital renderings, or a miniature model.



Confirmation that we have found the right direction or we need to take a step back. By client approval, changes to design, or selection from samples we settle on solutions moving onward.

Production / Art fabrication


Once we are all set we start making the final product. This is where mold making, casting, sculpting, CNC fabrication, 3D printing, or any other method comes in to play.

Steen Holdt Art fabrication

Art fabrication of Steen Holdt Studio

We pride ourselves in the quality of our work, a personal connection, and a professional approach to any project. The key to most of our work is in our knowledge of various of techniques and technologies. We strive to find the best method and material to help you along the way in realizing your project.

Most of the work we do is to help the client bring their designs to life. This can be in prototype manufacturing, modelling, consulting, moldmaking or casting objects in a wide variety of materials.

We travel between idea and creation every day and we appreciate your company.

Samples of Our Work